Indoor & Outdoor Horseback Riding School & Future Permaculture Design Project Northwest of Saskatoon, SK
We wrapped up the Rising Horsemanship Challenge Series for 2019 after 5 events! Thank you again for helping make it a success. Our goal is to mostly likely do it again next year with buckles and to get sponsors for $5000 in prize money.
Let me know if you prefer a spring or a fall start! Most people are asking for spring at this point but it doesn't leave me a lot of time to get to this new level of sponsorship.
Special thanks to Will Gough for announcing in his awesome Aussie accent, and for adding music and sound effects!
Special thanks to Missy Zarubiak and Laura Martin, our (CCC, and IMTCA and SHF) certified Judges!
Special thanks to Wanda for timing; Sabra for scores into the Excel spreadsheets and filling them in; and extra special thanks to Vince for staying up most the night before the last event to get the arena as warm as possible so no one could tell it was -20 out. Thanks for working so hard for us here at Road To Serenity, my handy Vince!
Thanks to everyone who helped out with setting up courses, resetting obstacles, cleaning up manure, etc. It's just not possible without this kind of support!
Overall WINNERS *determined by the best 3 scores - out of (as many as) 5 scores*
Congrats to Brian and Peeny for winning in-Hand! Breanna and Gypsy were just behind!
Annika and Daisy took home the Stars of the Future buckle! Colter was 2nd behind her!
Ella and Tazza won the Novice Buckle! There were many other riders in Novice but they didn't have 3 scores. Ella did amazing on Tazza nonetheless.
Catheryne and Rae won the Green Horse buckle! Sabra and Tennyson were a close second!
Catheryne and Ciel won the Rising Rider buckle! Laikyn and Dusty were just behind her!
Breanna and Theo get to keep the Rising Horse buckle! Ally and Slim were just behind, and Ally had the most amazing ride on Slim this Sun. She was excellent competition!
Catheryne and Ciel won the Mission Impossible buckle! Matthew and Lonestar were just behind!
Catheryne and Ciel won the Freestyle Buckle! Louise and Dancer were just behind in 2nd!
Breanna won Highest Horsemanship with Leida in In-hand!
Congrats to all horses and riders!! Really close scores! It almost could have been anyone with just a tweak or bit better success with a few obstacles.
We are not running the series through an association this time due to new rules, however these events will run similar to other Cowboy Challenge (horsemanship) events like CCC and EXCA. The series welcomes English and Western tack, and has its own unique divisions, including a Freestyle! The indoor competition space will be in an area 72*150ft to allow standing areas to watch and rest horses waiting for their turn. Heat will be added once we get into winter.
Sept 21, Sept 22, Oct 27, Nov 10 and Dec 8 are the 2019 dates. Please know the rules well if you are attending. We are looking for more sponsors for our events to offer great prizes and incentives - TBD. Buckles have been ordered for the divisions.
1) Check in at the show office upon arrival. Obstacle practices take place in the indoor arena on Saturday night before a competition, anytime from 6-9pm on the Saturday, and any morning of a competition from 9-11am. If doing a practice, choose either the evening or morning. Cost for practice is $25 and includes the haul-in fee to the facility. An overnight horse is $10, bring your own feed. Pens subject to space. Book well in advance - 306-202-6737. Nearest hotel is half a mile away, off highway 16 in Borden, SK. We are 25-30 minutes outside of Saskatoon off highway 16.
Order of go for divisions:
11am start
i) In-Hand
ii) Novice
iii) Stars of the Future
iv) Rising Rider
After lunch (approx. 1pm or later)
v) Rising Horse
vi) Green Horse
vii) Mission Impossible (this is close to a 'non-pro' or 'open' level division if you have done CCC or EXCA)
viii) Freestyle - you choose the course and how to perform the obstacles!
2) Each horse can be ridden in up to 4 divisions per day by the same or different riders. However, if the horse is entered in the “Green Horse” division, the horse is limited to that division and the “In-Hand” division. A horse entered in "Green Horse" and/or "In-hand" may be entered by up to two different riders/handlers for the entire series.
3) Sportsmanship is mandatory. No animal abuse shall be tolerated. You could be asked to leave the competition if there is a serious issue, as determined by the host and/or Judge.
4) Please keep in mind, the nature of this competition is to have fun and gain skills for learning riders. It’s also an opportunity for more accomplished riders to show off their skills and inspire others. If you have a concern, please go to the Rider Representative that will be announced at the beginning of the day. Do not go to the Judge. The Judge shall not be interrupted for any reason, except an urgent safety concern. The Judge’s decision is final, even if you do not agree with it. Please note that human errors happen from time to time and we can only do our best. Please roll with it and state your concerns respectfully to the Rider Rep.
5) English and Western tack in good repair is allowed. No tie-downs, martingales, twisted or wire bits, gag bits or any other bits classified as something other than these 3 pieces of tack: snaffle, bosal or shank bit. Bridle-less may be permitted in “Freestyle”, but only if this level of control is absolutely within your ability - you must be able to ride at the highest “pro” level, even if you are not technically receiving payment for teaching or training horses. You may also ride your horse in a halter in the “Freestyle” division only. Generally speaking, for all other divisions, please use a bosal should a bit not be suitable for your horse.
6) If you are stopped by the Judge due to any health or safety concern that may result from issues such as tack failure, dangerous attire, dangerous horse bahaviour, poor soundness, and so on, you must leave the arena and you will be scored on the obstacles completed until that point. A double blow on the whistle indicates you must leave the arena.
7) One or two-handed riding is permitted.
8) No whips or crops in ridden divisions.
9) All riders must sign a waiver before unloading their horse at their first day of the series. All activity is at your own risk at any time on the property. This extends to spectators.
10) Biosecurity requires you to bring your own water buckets and avoid muzzle to muzzle contact. Stay home if your horse is showing any signs of illness. Tie to trailer or keep horse in pen. You are required to have bug spray on your horse during fly season. Do not tie in the arena. All manure must be picked up immediately when outside of the competition ring and placed in one of the wheelbarrows.
11) This facility does not require proof of a negative Coggins test unless you are staying long-term (boarding). Again, you must apply ample bug spray to your horse as a precaution during fly season.
12) Registration will be available online by September at www.roadtoserenityfarm.com - or call 306-202-6737 if you want to arrange another way to register. Registration closes three days before the event, at 8pm. Late entry includes $5 extra per division, accepted at the discretion of the host and/or Judge.
13) You may enter more than one division. It is all based on your skill or your horse’s skill. Please read the division descriptions before you enter.
14) Order of go is based on the order of entries coming in. First to register goes last, and last to register goes first, unless arrangements need to be made, e.g., horses used by different riders requiring adjustments to tack. This is an incentive to register early!
15) The event may be cut off at 75 runs, based on the order received.
16) No alcohol or illegal drugs to be used on site 12 hours before and/or during the competition.
17) If there is an error that is not your fault during your run, such as an obstacle not reset or the timer not started, you will be given a re-ride at the end of your division. Errors do unfortunately occur from time to time. We appreciate your understanding when running an event with volunteers who are doing their best.
18) You can express a safety concern to the Judge during your walk-through. This shall be the only time you may speak to the Judge other than to alert the Judge to an urgent safety concern at any time and to ask questions in the walk-through. There is a walk-through at 10am for In-Hand, Novice, Stars of the Future, Rising Horse and Rising Rider. There is a walk-through with the Judge no earlier than 2pm for Green Horse, Mission Impossible and Freestyle. It is important to pay attention during the walk-through so you know how to perform the obstacles. There may also be a warm up after the morning and afternoon walk-throughs on the outside track of the indoor arena, should alternative warm up areas be deemed inadequate by the Judge, e.g., slippery conditions.
19) ASTM/SEI helmets are strongly encouraged and helmets are mandatory for anyone under 18 years old. Cowboy hats are also permitted if you are 18 years old or older, but helmets are very much promoted.
20) Dress must be long-sleeve or jacket, and jeans or breeches. Loose clothing that may get hung up on the saddle horn must be avoided. Boots must have sufficient heel to help prevent the foot from sliding through the stirrup. Turn out should be tidy and may affect up to 4 points of your horsemanship score of it is not.
21) Due to English tack being permitted, obstacles that require you to swing a rope will have the lariat hanging for you to use. It will be hanging for you to use near the obstacle instead of you carrying it on the saddle. You may carry your own lariat if you have a Western saddle. Any drags (log drag, sled drag, etc.) will be light enough to perform without the dally. You will, however, have the option to dally if you are in Western tack. It will not, however, earn you more points so as not to disadvantage our English riders. No rope management will be tested in divisions outside of Green Horse, Mission Impossible and Freestyle.
22) Each obstacle is out of 10 points with a “good” or “average” score being 5.5 out of 10. There are no time points, but any obstacle(s) not completed by the time limit will receive a score of zero. You must leave the arena once your time is up, as called by the announcer and/or if two or more whistles are blown consecutively.
23) In addition to obstacle points, there is an overall 20 points for horsemanship. Horsemanship is judged based on how quiet you are as a rider and how willing your horse is to your aids and cues. Soft and willing horses will be rewarded. Excess kicking, pulling, etc. will bring down this score. Correct leads, correct movement, position, and effective riding are all rewarded. There are many aspects to the horsemanship score, to be determined by the Judge.
24) "Free rides" require going around (to the outside of) all the obstacles unless the Judge states otherwise in the walk-through. A "free ride" can be done at walk, trot/jog or lope/canter. Please ride to your ability.
25) You may attempt an obstacle as many times as you wish, but keep in mind, you have a time limit. You may wish to move on after some attempts.
26) You may have someone call out the order of obstacles from the sidelines. If this person calls out the wrong order, that is a risk you take by depending on this caller. Obstacles must be done in the order given to you on the sheet(s) that you shall receive at the beginning of the day. If you go to the wrong obstacle, your scores will be affected accordingly. If you are completely off course and the Judge can no longer make any sense of the order according to your course, you may be disqualified. You will not receive points for obstacles not in your course. The “Freestyle” division is the exception to this rule for apparent reasons.
27) If you fall off, this is a disqualification.
28) You may go over an obstacle *not in your course* to get to the next obstacle, if you so choose, but you are not scored on that obstacle unless you're in the "Freestyle" division.
29) Ride to your ability. Safety is paramount. If you cannot do an obstacle, ride up to that obstacle as close as you can reasonably get, then yell out “PASS”. Move on to the next obstacle. Any small ‘attempt' will give you a score of 0.25 or higher.
30) A 3-step mounting block must be provided in the competition ring.
31) The “In-Hand” division is for any skill of horse or rider. A stick or flag may be used as an aid (for guidance) only. No blatant 'hitting' shall be done with a stick or aid, as determined by the Judge. Liberty (without halter or ropes) may be applied to this division as well. There is a 5-minute time limit for 7 obstacles in total. Horses are expected to be 'sent' over the obstacles, not led.
32) “Stars of the Future” is a division for riders age 12 and under. 8 obstacles and an overall 5-minute time limit. No adult assistance is allowed other than for getting the child on or off the horse. An accompanying adult may stand in the arena for moral support and may offer encouraging words and minimal coaching. A rider in this division may enter other divisions suited to their experience level, especially if they require a more advanced division. This is a novice level course.
33) “Novice Rider” is a division for riders ages 13 and up. This is an 8-obstacle course with a 5-minute time limit. Riders must be at the approximate stage described as “still gaining confidence at the lope/canter” or “not yet loping/cantering” in order to be considered a novice rider. If you have been riding for many years, you are likely not a novice rider.
34) “Green Horse” is a division for horses of any age. The horse must have less than a total of 12 months under saddle over maximum of years. Riders in this division must be at least 13 years old, confident as well as skilled. Horses in this division are considered “very green”. There are 8 obstacles with a 5-minute overall time limit. A horse in this division is limited to this division and the In-Hand division. This is considered a prestigious division because of the skills needed to bring along a green horse!
35) “Rising Horse” is for horses that may or may not have some experience competing with obstacles, but the horse may have no more than 2 years in obstacle-related events. A horse in this division is not considered “very broke” and this division can be used as a step-up for green horses. The horse must have some area(s) in its training that require improvements and refinement. The rider may be of any age and must be very comfortable at all gaits. There are 10 obstacles with a 5-minute time limit overall. The horse may be entered in other divisions with the same or different riders.
36) “Rising Rider” is for riders of all ages who are currently or were at the "Novice" level, and are wanting a step-up and longer course. This division is also for a rider who maybe took a long break or had a confidence setback, e.g., just getting back into riding again after years but rode plenty as a kid. A rider may enter both "Novice" and "Rising Rider" at the same event. The rider may be of any age. There are 10 obstacles and a 5-minute time limit overall. Professional riders who earn money teaching and training cannot enter this division.
37) “Mission Impossible” is a fun course for any relatively confident rider wanting a 'Non-Pro' or 'Open' level course (according to most Cowboy Challenge events). 14 obstacles and a 6-minute time limit. Professional and non-professional riders may enter this division. Riders in this division are also encouraged to enter "Freestyle".
38) “Freestyle” is a course you choose as you go! Any level is welcome and you ride to your ability. You are judged on the first 14 unique obstacles or approaches that you choose to attempt, within a 6-minute overall time limit. If you attempt an obstacle, that obstacle 'counts' for a score even if you are unable to complete the obstacle. If you are doing something unique from your first attempt using the same obstacle (are wanting two different scores using the same object, e.g. crossing the skinny bridge vs. side-passing the skinny bridge) you must perform an in-between obstacle before going back to perform the new approach. The Judge determines whether the new approach is distinct enough from the first attempt in order to merit a score. In other words, this in-between obstacle differentiates each attempt when obstacles/objects are repeated with different kinds of maneuvers. Professional and non-professional riders may enter this division, and you must ride to your ability with great diligence. Bridle-less, if performed, must be done with extreme care and is done at the rider's risk. No standing on a horse's back allowed in this division, but you may incorporate bareback riding. If the whistle is blown by the Judge, you must immediately carry on towards the next obstacle of your choice. Again, if the whistle is blown, discontinue your current attempt because the whistle indicates that the Judge is not comfortable with the approach you are taking. Remember, the Judges decision is always final. If you want to absolutely clarify to the Judge that a certain maneuver requires a score, call out "obstacle" as you perform your maneuver, e.g., for rollback turns or a free-ride that must be a minimum of one full lap of the arena. You can perform up to 2 free rides but must go clockwise for one and counter-clockwise for the other. You must accept the Judge's interpretation of your course.
39) Over the entire series, the best 3 out of 5 scores for each horse and rider in their respective division(s) will determine the overall winner of each division. An engraved silver championship buckle will be awarded to each division's overall winner. The "In-Hand" division will have its own engraved prize that is not a buckle.
40) An event in this series will be cancelled if the daily temperature high is colder than -12 degrees Celcius, without the windchill, according to the Weather Network. January 26th is a make up date. The indoor arena will be heated. If we are not able to host all the events due to circumstances such as extreme cold or any other circumstances, we will still pick the top 3 scores for each division to award the buckles.